What Is Floating? board-to-board floating Connectors are electromechanical interconnects that can absorb misalignments in the "X", "Y",
and "Z" axes. Unlike traditional connectors, these connectors have a unique design that suspends the mating interface above the PCB
using bent terminals that provide elasticity. This elasticity is crucial in providing several advantages, including improved misalignment
tolerance and greater reliability in electronic connections.
floating technology offers misalignment correction and vibration protection while reducing stress to soldering joints and contact area.
How It Works Increasing Tolerance & Reliability
Floating board to board connections boast tolerance compensation of up to 1 mm over X, Y and Z axes. This facilitates the process of joining PCBs in the event of misalignment or blind joining. The reliability of the connection systems enable a secure usage, even under challenging ambient conditions, offering a space-saving concept.
Decreasing Stress
Moreover, the impacts of vibrations and shocks are effectively mitigated, while the sensitive contact surfaces are also protected against mechanical stress and fretting corrosion.
Suspended mating contacts inside the plug and socket; absorb vibration and also prevent solder cracks from mating miss-alignment.