Types of Centronics Connectors
Centronics Connectors Information Centronics connectors are standard parallel interface devices for connecting printers and other peripherals such as portable disc drives, tape backup drives, and...
BNC Connector Applications
BNC Connector Applications Antennas Broadcast (75 Ω) Telecommunications Automotive Computers/LANs Medical Equipment Satcom Base Stations Cable Modems Instrumentation Military/Aerospace
Miniature connectors
Miniature connectors Mini BNC and High-Density BNC are smaller versions of the BNC connector (HD BNC). While retaining the original electrical specifications, they have smaller footprints, allowing...
BNC Connectors on SDI
BNC Connectors on SDI SDI is a signal transport format, whereas BNC is a connector format. SDI employs coaxial cables, which are typically terminated with a BNC plug. SDI transports 16 channels of...